I am a researcher, designer, and an engineer.
My research focuses on wearable haptic devices, soft actuators, and XR ergonomics, further aiming to integrate with wearable sensors for creating seamless wearable device that enhance human cognition and motor functions.
I am intersted in designing interactive hardwares and structures and trying to test and integrate various materials and tools.
As an artist and designer, my personal interest lies in artificially animated machines, environments, and computers as continuum of lives, and I seek emotional bonds between them and humans.
I graduated from Seoul National University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Industrial Design, and currently am a researcher at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
My works has been published in IMWUT, IEEE ISMAR, demo at CHI, and exhibited at DDP Seoul.
Dec Won the Dean's Award : Research Award from LACS, KAIST
Dec The paper that I participated in, ThermicVib: Enabling Dynamic Thermal Sensation with Multimodal Haptic Glove for Thermal-Responsive Interaction by Hyungil Yi, is published in IEEE ISMAR
EStatiG: Wearable Haptic Feedback with Multi-Phalanx Electrostatic Brake for Enhanced Object Perception in VR
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol., Vol. 8, No. 3, Article 131. (IMWUT, 2024.9)
(Nicha Vanichvoranun*, Hojeong Lee*, Seoyeon Kim, Sang Ho Yoon) (First Co-author)